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Insert Unicode

If you want to use Unicode characters on web sites then you usually have to copy and paste them in. With this add-on you can just click on a button, type in the Unicode value (eg: 20AC for the Euro symbol or 03C0 for the lower case Greek pi character) and click on the "Insert" button to enter the character.




  1. Characters will only be inserted in to <input> or <textarea> elements.
  2. Only Unicode characters supported by the font will be displayed correctly.

Known Issues:

  1. Some versions of Firefox do not auto focus the input field properly.

Version History

Version 1.2 - 6 June 2017
Bug fix: Changed the input auto focus method to a JavaScript call.
Version 1.1 - 5 June 2017
Minor bug fix: Now, when you click on the "Insert Unicode" icon, the text cursor is in the Unicode input field and you can start typing the Unicode value immediately.
Version 1.0 - 5 August 2016
Initial release.


The icon used for this extension is derived from an icon in the "Tango Icon Theme" which was released into the public domain by its copyright holders.